Unfortunately, there is an abundance of studies that demonstrate that the general physical activity of our youth population has declined. Public Health England released stats in 2018 stating that 79% of nine year olds in the UK were not getting the required daily amount of physical activity. Only 23% of Boys and 20% of girls getting the required amount of daily physical activity. (Elements, 2019)
Between 1998 and 2008 strength fell by 0.6% each year, but this more than doubled to 1.6% per year between 2008 and 2014. Falls in muscular endurance were larger at 2.5% per year in the period from 1998 to 2008, rising to a 4% decline each year after 2008. (Gavin R.H. Sandercock, Daniel D. Cohen. JAMS, 2019) Sandercock, 2019 states “It has got to the stage now that if we took the least fit child from a class of 30 we tested in 1998, they would be one of the five fittest children in a class of the same age today.”
Adolescent sports injuries are on the rise and are termed ‘the silent epidemic’. (Armstrong, 2007) This statement is echoed by Quinn, 2009, who described increased numbers of children developing chronic, overuse injuries.
A prevalent mechanism of injury to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is mechanical insufficiency. The ligament is put under stress during deceleration or an uncontrolled twisting movement. ACL surgeries were up 60% in 6-18 year olds over last 20 years and degenerative conditions that would normally be seen in 40-60 year-olds have been documented in 10-12 year olds. John, et al, 2018 Minimize Injury, Maximize Performance: A Sports Parent's Survival Guide. |