The Real Meal Revolution we run at Taylormade Performance & Rehabilitation is designed to help you lose weight, but the benefits pile up far beyond just looking a little better.Eating real food and ‘Feeling Great’ is a result of numerous ‘side-effects’ or ‘side benefits’ as Georgia Ede MD once described in a podcast with Ivor Cummins, when you use ‘real food’ to improve mental health rather than medications and their harmful ‘side effects’. Here is the 20min discussion for a further understanding of what she described.
So the Real Meal Revolution program has shown benefits with its clients such as improved sleep, lowered blood pressure, remission of diabetes, clearer skin, reduced bloating, improved metabolism, boundless energy and improved blood readings. Boundless energy is something we all crave whether that is to be more productive at work, enjoying and being spontaneous with your partner or being able to keep up with your children. Health is essentially your most important goal because you want to live life fully, optimally and be the best you can be! So how can you test to see where you are right now? Perhaps you may know that something is just not right.‘ I don’t have the energy, my sleep is disrupted, my weight is going in the wrong direction, I am hungry all the time.’ When you’re gaining weight it is an external manifestation that something in the body is not right internally. So where do you start you may ask? Well it is fairly simple you need to take some measures some externally and some internally i.e a blood tests. There is a saying “if you don’t look, it don’t get fixed”. Or “you can’t change something until you know what you have been doing is wrong.” So what if you had some feedback beyond just a feeling something is not quite right? What do I look for? Markers of metabolic syndrome-is a clustering of at least three of the five following medical conditions, central obesity (abdominal fat-waist circumference measurement), high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high serum triglycerides, and low serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL). However the very best measure would be a post prandial assessment of insulin and glucose by an oral glucose tolerance test which will provide you with the best information from the root cause of the above symptoms -Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance. What are the guideline measures to know what is good? Good Markers are Waist circumference below 94cm M, below 84 FWaist circumference to height ratio below 0.5 [waist measurement (cm) at the belly button divided by height (cm)], Blood pressure below 125/75mmHg, Blood fasting glucose concentration below 5.0mmol/L, Blood Triglyceride concentration below 0.75mmol/L, Blood HDL cholesterol concentration above 2.0mmol/L. Disclaimer-These measures are from the Real Meal Revolution international edition. Please note that these measures should not be considered medical advice and exists for the purpose of sharing information only. These markers are associated with cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, increased cancer rates, stroke, and links to Alzheimer’s which is being termed now as ‘type 3 diabetes’ as it follows the similar pathology as type 2 diabetes but is affecting the brain rather than the cardiovascular system. Now the increase in all these modern diseases may cause you wonder why. A pro-inflammatory diet has been very much the researched culprit (high in sugar, refined grains, trans fats, omega 6, food additives and sweeteners) essentially processed foods. So what to do? Once you have your baseline test results you can go to work on reversing your condition and improving the markers discussed above. First eat real foods get away from the pro-inflammatory diet and make your way towards being the best you can be or for a start and work everyday at being better than you were yesterday! If you would like to learn more and join the real meal revolution programme we run at Taylormade Performance & Rehabilitation please follow this link fill in the survey and lets get you to live life to the full! About the Real Meal Revolution: Born out of South Africa and the Banting diet the Real Meal Revolution brought together Professor Tim Noakes ‘A1 rated scientist’ (A1 rating to a researcher who is “recognised by all reviewers as a leading scholar in his/her field internationally for the high quality and wide impact (i.e. beyond a narrow field of specialisation) of his/her recent outputs”) bestselling nutritionist Sally Ann Creed, and Top Ten rated restaurant chef Jonno Proudfoot is now changing lives all over the world with diabetes remission and other blood markers we may not even know are an issue. Eat Better South Africa Facebook page and will provide you with further information for your interest. here to edit.
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